
Peposo alla Fornacina トスカーナの伝統料理 牛すね肉の赤ワイン煮込み ペポーゾ

牛すね肉を赤ワインと粒胡椒でじっくり煮込んだトスカーナ伝統のビーフシチュー ペポーゾ。
Peposo alla Fornacina, a stewed beef with the red wine and pepper corns bricklayer style.


Pollo Arrosto con Patate al Rosmarino ローズマリー風味のローストチキン じゃがいも添え

Pollo Arrosto con Patate al Rosmarino (Rosemary Flavored Roasted Chicken Legs with potatoes) for the Christmas dinner.
Every year I make it and Polpettone (Meatloaf), because the chicken is necessary on Christmas dinner, and my kids' favorite holiday recipes is the Polpettone.

Polpettone di Natale トスカーナ風ミートローフ

With the Christmas and New Years holidays just days away, everyone I know is planning at least one family dinner to celebrate.
One of my kids' favorite holiday recipes is the Polpettone, very popular in the South of Italy, literally translated as the Meatloaf.


Spaghettoni alla Carbonara Romano 噛みしめるほどに旨い極太パスタでカルボナーラ ロマーノ(ローマ風)

Homemade Spaghettoni alla Carbonara Romano.
The thick pasta suck up the flavorful soup extracted from bacon and garlic, then combined with egg yolks and parmigiano cheese.


Fettucine alla Carbonara Romano 生クリームを使わない本場ローマ風カルボナーラ ロマーノ

嬉しいことに最寄りのスーパーでフェットチーネの国産生パスタを扱うようになったので、早速購入して、今日はローマ風レシピで生クリームを使わないカルボナーラ ロマーノを作りました。
To my joy I found fresh fettucine at the market around home, so I bought it at once.
Today I made Fettucine alla Carbonara Romano.